Kamis, 17 April 2014

PDF⋙ Kant and the Historical Turn: Philosophy As Critical Interpretation by Karl Ameriks

Kant and the Historical Turn: Philosophy As Critical Interpretation by Karl Ameriks

Kant and the Historical Turn: Philosophy As Critical Interpretation

Kant and the Historical Turn: Philosophy As Critical Interpretation by Karl Ameriks PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

Immanuel Kant's work changed the course of modern philosophy; Karl Ameriks examines how. He compares the philosophical system set out in Kant's Critiques with the work of the major philosophers before and after Kant. Individual essays provide case studies in support of Ameriks's thesis that late 18th-century reactions to Kant initiated an "historical turn," after which historical and systematic considerations became joined in a way that fundamentally distinguishes philosophy from science and art.

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