Minggu, 22 Maret 2015

PDF⋙ Haciendas: Spanish Colonial Houses in the U.S. and Mexico by Linda Leigh Paul

Haciendas: Spanish Colonial Houses in the U.S. and Mexico by Linda Leigh Paul

Haciendas: Spanish Colonial Houses in the U.S. and Mexico

Haciendas: Spanish Colonial Houses in the U.S. and Mexico by Linda Leigh Paul PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

Haciendas features traditional and modern hacienda architecture in Mexico and southwestern United States. Sumptuous photography portrays the increasing fascination with hacienda architecture today, as evidenced by the movement to renovate classic adobe homes, the abundance of new hacienda designs, and the inspiration Spanish colonial architecture provides to homeowners, designers, and architects worldwide. The estate hacienda was traditionally the family home for Spanish nobles in the newly settled Mexican territories and included farmed land, orchards, stables, livestock, and servants. These extraordinary homes, many of which are owned by descendants of the original owners, are being meticulously preserved, or carefully transformed, into popular inns and tourist attractions. Today, the style is influencing residences throughout North America.With more than 250 photographs, Linda Leigh Paul presents the best haciendas, representing past and present designs: From large country estates to small adobe hideaways, the rugged beauty, rich color palette, and natural materials of the hacienda are brought to life in a book that is as delightful as a walk through the adobe arches and cool, tiled rooms of a Spanish colonial casa.

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