Susan Glaspell and Sophie Treadwell (Routledge Modern and Contemporary Dramatists) by Barbara Ozieblo, Jerry Dickey
Susan Glaspell and Sophie Treadwell (Routledge Modern and Contemporary Dramatists) by Barbara Ozieblo, Jerry Dickey PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad
Susan Glaspell and Sophie Treadwell presents critical introductions to two of the most significant American dramatists of the early twentieth century. Glaspell and Treadwell led American Theatre from outdated melodrama to the experimentation of great European playwrights like Ibsen, Strindberg and Shaw.
This is the first book to deal with Glaspell and Treadwell’s plays from a theatrical, rather than literary, perspective, and presents a comprehensive overview of their work from lesser known plays to seminal productions of Trifles and Machinal.
Although each woman pursued her own themes, subjects and manner of stage production, this shared volume underscores the theatrical and cultural conditions influencing female playwrights in modern America.
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