An Introduction to the New Testament and the Origins of Christianity (Introduction to Religion) by Delbert Burkett
An Introduction to the New Testament and the Origins of Christianity (Introduction to Religion) by Delbert Burkett PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad
This book, first published in 2002, offers an authoritative and accessible introduction to the New Testament and early Christian literature for all students of the Bible and anyone interested in the origins of Christianity. It is designed primarily for undergraduate courses in the New Testament, biblical studies and early Christianity. Delbert Burkett focuses on the New Testament, but also looks at a wealth of non-biblical writing to examine the history, religion and literature of Christianity in the years from 30 CE to 150 CE. An appendix containing translations of primary texts allows instant access to the writings outside the canon. With this textbook and the Bible, the student should therefore have all the necessary basic texts. The book is organised systematically with questions for in-class discussion and written assignment, step-by-step reading guides on individual works, special box features, charts, maps and numerous illustrations designed to facilitate student use.From reader reviews:
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