Selasa, 22 September 2015

PDF⋙ Practical Management of Hypertension (Die Praxis der Hypertoniebehandlung) (German Edition)

Practical Management of Hypertension (Die Praxis der Hypertoniebehandlung) (German Edition)

Practical Management of Hypertension (Die Praxis der Hypertoniebehandlung) (German Edition)

Practical Management of Hypertension (Die Praxis der Hypertoniebehandlung) (German Edition) PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

This compact guide is concerned with the practical aspects of managing hypertension and associated risk factors in the individual patient. The panel of authoritative contributors have drawn from their extensive experience, both in research and practice, to present a set of clear and up-to-date practical options from which the practitioner can decide his approach to the problem of management of the hypertensive patient. Hypertensiology is both a science and an applied art. Whilst the scientific component is expanding rapidly, both in scope and depth, the art of applying the acquired knowledge in practice seems to be lagging behind. A contributing factor to this is the maze of newly established facts and the difficulty of reconciling these with conventional ideas. This guide has been written to aid quick orientation and impromptu decision making in the practical situation.

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